The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Randy Mazey with a switcheroo

Harrison Musrave, the Big 12’s pitcher of the year, hasn’t pitched since May 11. He’ll wait another day — and given the forecast in Oklahoma City, maybe one more — because the Mountaineers will start Dan Dierdorff today against Kansas. Musgrave will, presumably, pitch against TCU.

And given the format of the Big 12 tournament championship, it’s the right move.

Dierdorff threw a complete game in a 4-3 win against Kansas this season. He struck out six and walked one and had one stretch where he retired 13 straight. Conversely, Dierdorff, typically the team’s No. 2 starter, was thumped by TCU. He lasted two-thirds of an inning and gave up six runs (four earned) in a 7-4 loss. Musgrave struck out 14 Horned Frogs in a 2-0 complete-game win May 11. Musgrave hasn’t pitched since.

“We’ve been playing well all year long even with all the adversity we’ve gone through with the travel and everyone counting us out as thezunderdog,” Wilson said. “We can still play like we don’t have anything to lose. We’ll go out and play loose. Harrison’s pitching the first game and we’ve got a lot of other guys who can play. I really feel like if we keep doing what we’ve done all year, we’ll be all right.”