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Bowls! WVU could play in one, too!

Always a big day in the Casazza household when the dates for the season’s bowl games are announces. Today is the day I start infuriating my wife and our families and begin figuring out where the heck I’m going to be for Christmas and/or New Year’s — and I’m not going to lie to you … the answer this year may be “Morgantown.”

But who knows? We’re 100 days away from the first game with a Big 12 team, so a lot can change. A lot will change. There are probably six teams most would consider to be “better” than WVU, whatever that means on May 22. The seventh place team last season ended up being TCU and played Michigan State in the Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl in Tempe, Ariz. I could do that.

And this is where I tell you the eighth place team ended up playing in a blizzard against Syracuse. Remember that? I guess my point is that nobody would have suspected that outcome last May 22, so we’re silly to put our feet in the wet cement today.

Nevertheless, help my wife, please. Here’s the schedule. Where will I be for a bowl this year?