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Summer classes start, football roster grows

Three new players in and one more should be added today — but that one isn’t in danger of not being able to enroll. (Hint: It’s the quarterback who transferred from an ACC school!)

The rest of the recruiting class will arrive over time. Summer school at WVU is a 12-week period with one-, three- and six-week courses and a variety of starting points. The basketball newcomers should arrive in June for the second six-week period.

One person you can include in the expected football arrivals: Brandon Golson.

Golson was arrested in January, but Dana Holgorsen told me Sunday Golson was good to go. Golson’s lawyer said Monday Golson is in a pre-trial intervention program. If Golson abides by the conditions across the length of the program, the charges will be dropped.

“He’s well on his way already,” Banks said. “Based on where he’s at with it now, I foresee no hiccups.”