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More guesses?

Sorry, I tried, but I can’t give you any more information about the new scoreboard or the planned renovations at Mountaineer Field.

I can tell you that I asked Dana Holgorsen. He knows what’s going on, but, dutifully, he won’t comment. Neither will Oliver Luck.

I then asked the university at large for some sort of insight about a now public disclosure. Becky Lofstead, the vice president for university relations and someone who ought not be blamed because I made her the messenger, sought an answer and later replied via email, “No one’s at liberty to comment on the rfp, sorry….”

Guh. I don’t think I asked for comment on the RFP, but, whatever. Technically, it’s in the RFP. I get it. Mum’s the word over there now because this is what the prior mess has wrought. That’s probably smart, though I can’t see anything wrong with saying, “Yeah, we’re expanding wheelchair access to the suites,” or something similarly harmless and explanatory.

That said …

… the renovation is most assuredly the “party deck” that’s not a party deck and the expansion of the concourse areas, right? We’ve been over this before and it’s seemed necessary, if not imminent, for a while. This would take time for planning and execution and the RFP says the renovation will be done in time for the 2015 season.

We’ve also been over the planned makeover inside the stadium, and that fell short of the finish line last summer because WVU wasn’t happy with the bids it received. This could be that, though it doesn’t need two years with which to work.

Otherwise, the timing makes sense because you’re going to find a lot more of what WVU calls “sponsorship recognition” throughout the stadium. Might as well liven up the whole place and craft an attractive easel for the sponsorship recognition (I love that turn of phrase).

I’ll also allow speculation over a second grass practice field, though I’m not sure that belongs in the “stadium renovation” jar. WVU needs it, though.

A longer shot is adding suites. Luck has mentioned that in the past — Warning: Put down your pop before you click and read the headline! — and that always comes up at the sort of dinner parties I’m allowed into.

We’re going to be irate when it’s “Real locomotive for purpose of authentic train whistle.”

As for the scoreboard, I’ve head this in the past in conversations that had nothing to do with scoreboards, so I wonder if they merely take the thing down and re-frame it to add space for ads.

If not and WVU does have a new scoreboard in a few months, what better way to settle among your Big 12 peers than with Godzillatron? Or to be practical with regard to WVU’s spending capabilities, perhaps Minillatron?