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Musgrave love!

WVU is going to win some superlatives in the regular season awards, and rightfully so. Randy Mazey is your coach of the year — Shhh! We’re not supposed to know! — and the season Harrison Musgrave is having is really something else.

Since I stole the title from Rugger in the comment section of the previous baseball post, I’ll tell you Clarence Oveur beat me to this next fact in the comment section of the previous baseball post (Aside: We have to specify what baseball post we’re talking about these days, which is weird.):

Musgrave, a powerful lefty coming off Tommy John surgery, threw 143 pitches Saturday.

I should  openly wonder if he’ll have enough gas left for the weekend series. I could point out that Musgrave will have a short week this week because his scheduled start last Friday was pushed back a day because of the rain-out and his start this weekend could be moved up a day because the series at Oklahoma State starts Thursday.

I would do both of those things, but I know Mazey would convince me, without equivocation, that it’s exactly what Musgrave and, indeed, western civilization needs.