The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Bob Huggins digs deep

Once upon a time not long ago, Jonathan Holton was a promising frontcourt force at the University of Rhode Island.

Not long after the season ended, the promise was broken.

Holton was arrested twice in two days in March 2012 and charged with three felonies. Not to say a robbery charge isn’t serious, because it is, but the two other charges were for video voyeurism. Two female students alleged that during separate consensual encounters, Holton videotaped the encounters without their consent and then posted them on his Facebook page.

Holton, who contested the charges, was immediately suspended for what were deemed “disturbing allegations that strike at the core of our commitment to make this a safe and civil campus community.”

Two days later, he was arrested again after it was discovered a laptop seized during the prior arrest had been stolen from a residence hall eight months earlier. By then, URI was careful to say Holton was no longer in school.

Well, after a season at Palm Beach State College and a signed NLI to FIU, Holton is now committed to WVU. He visited Sunday with a junior college point guard eligible for the recruiting class of 2014 and a junior college forward eligible for the recruiting class of 2013.

Holton’s decision is not without a condition, though. Holton is still dealing with his legal status and apparently has a disposition scheduled for May 29. A person involved in the Holton’s recruitment told me Sunday that WVU told Holton before he committed he needed to resolve all his legal issues in order for WVU to honor its offer and Holton’s commitment.

Keep in mind you see nothing from WVU on this because Holton is still an unsigned prospect and rules prohibit commenting on unsigned prospects. The period of silence might last longer, what with that May 29 date seemingly looming, so do remember that if the silence lingers.

Then again, you’d like to believe WVU has done the research on Holton off the court and knows the particulars of the case, especially what’s coming up here soon. For all we know, there’s an agreement in place for Holton to wrap things up today.

Still, it’s obviously late in the recruiting calendar and WVU neither needs nor wants to get hung up on a kid for three weeks, or however long or brief of a delay there is, when it has two vacancies to address.