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Tavon kicks the PAT

Mr. Austin reportedly scored a 7 on his Wonderlic test. That is not the news of the article, which actually delves into whether the score matters or not. And it probably doesn’t. It can raise flags and underscore concerns, but Ryan Fitzpatrick’s 50 and Vince Young’s 6 (reportedly!) don’t mean much when you compare their careers.

And truth be told, a failed drug test isn’t nearly as big of a deal as a bad 40 time, so what are we to make of the way teams interpret the test scores and all the variables that might contribute to an unusually bad or good score?

Still, people are going to point and chuckle at Tavon, if the score is accurate. But have you seen or taken the Wonderlic? Give it a whirl … 50 questions in 12 minutes. Begin!