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WVAGO press release

Right here. These are Patrick Morrisey’s talking points from his news conference. The gist is that “while our office found significant errors and sloppiness in the process warranting a rebid, we did not find any evidence of intentional wrongdoing or intentional interference that might be used to advance a pre-determined result.”

Two things I’m stuck on at the moment.

1) The revelation that the Tier 3 contract is “not required to be placed through a competitive RFP process under either the West Virginia Code or the West Virginia University Procurement Rules.”

D’oh! How did that slip by WVU?

That’s followed by WVU’s vow to re-start the RFP, which President Jim Clements, heretofore silent on the matter, says is “simply the right thing to do.”

Noble, yes. Necessary? Probably also yes. But I can’t help but think that if WVU had it all to do over again if it would have gone with the RFP in the first place. I think I might know the answer to that, which makes me wonder why now.

2) Points 3A and 3B. I’d have to imagine this is where Morrisey applies “sloppiness” and “significant errors.” That’s a bad look that somebody ought to explain. According to the news conference, Mike Parsons and Mike Szul did not vote.

So were the deputy AD and AD for business operations intentionally or inadvertently omitted from the vote? Or did they avoid the vote?

Actually, now that I think of it, three things.

3) Morrisey said something else I snatched out of the radio: “All proposers should be allowed to take part in the rebid process.” Previously, John Raese — Aside: Say what you will, but a lot of the things he alleged were spotlighted today — said he would not participate in the rebidding process. That line seemed, to me, to be a invitation back to the bidding.