The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Full WVAGO report online

This is a far more elaborate explanation that answers some questions we’ve posed this morning. We get a better idea why Parsons and Szul didn’t vote, but we’re also now made to wonder why Oliver Luck introduced three new members to the evaluation committee. That had been a three-person committee with Luck, Parsons and Szul.

So there’s that, but I can’t recommend Addendum No. 6 enough. Just tons and tons of intel there, ranging from a video board at the soccer stadium to naming rights for parking lots to the compensation for the radio crews for football and men’s basketball games and so much more.

This is useful and authentic behind-the curtain stuff —  later in the appendix, you’ll find an email in which Drew Payne asks Luck if Florida State is interested in the Big 12. This is also why public people communicate with me on personal email and cell phones.