The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

WVU needs your (responsible) assistance

There has been a lot of attention, at least on the sports side, given lately to red and black numbers, though perhaps from some corners without a thorough understanding of the contributing factors at WVU.

Whatever the factors, these are real issues. And they’re not exclusive.

In reality, you may soon remove the “on the sports side” divider because times are potentially tough for the entire university. There are possible budget cuts looming and a number as large as the one you’re about to see can cause a dramatic shift. It won’t be easy, and WVU wants your help.

WVU is operating in financially uncertain times. The University is facing a proposed 8.9% cut in state appropriations ($13.3M), a competitive enrollment environment, and reductions in federal appropriations and research grant funds due to sequestration. There is also concern that the decline in state revenue collections and growing mandates at the state level may negatively impact state appropriated allocations in FY15.

As the FY14 revenue picture becomes clearer, the campus community is urged to explore various options to effectively manage the loss of state appropriations. The magnitude and duration of the state cuts will have an impact on the type of corrective actions required to maintain the University’s stable financial position.

At this time, it would be helpful if the University community would assist senior leadership in developing a list of cost saving and revenue generating ideas; (e.g., consolidating programs and modification to existing practices or policies to streamline operations). Please share your ideas by or making an anonymous suggestion here.

Off to practice in a little bit and back later with your Tuesday vlog.