The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Video blog: Day 10

Old faces in new places, old faces in old places. Enjoy.

Note on the “new” receiver who I’m not ready to call a receiver: Usually it’s a bad thing when Ford Childress throws one to Vernon Davis because Vernon Davis is a cornerback. Or at least he was until Tuesday when Dana Holgorsen slid Davis over to receiver for who knows how long.

“Vernon looked pretty good out there for his first day,” Childress said. “I had no idea he was coming over, but I like him in the slot. He looked pretty good.”

One more thing about this, and pardon me if I temper excitement. All that we saw were throw-catch drills designed mostly for the quarterbacks to rip off a variety of different throws to different receivers in different sets.

While that was happening, cornerbacks were going through tackling drills on the other half of the field. For all we know, Davis may have been shuttled back to cornerback once the media left and the defense got to doing real work.