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Gone: Jabarie Hinds, Aaron Brown and Voldy Gerun

You knew it was coming, and on April 1 WVU announced each has asked for and been granted the chance to transfer out of the men’s basketball program.

Brown and Gerun aren’t surprises at all and might have to be talked into a life at the Division II level. Hinds has a bigger name and profile, but given his slide as a sophomore and the way his role dipped, that’s not exactly a stunner.

It’s a big hit, though. Remember that seven-player recruiting class in 2011? Four have transferred and Dominique Rutledge was a senior. Only Gary Browne and Keaton Miles remain — and I’ll add “for now” because, really, who knows?

I’m most interested in seeing where Hinds ends up because he has skill. No use in arguing that. It’s the confidence that disappeared. He could use a few pounds, too.

As for what this means to the Mountaineers, Bob Huggins was one-over on scholarships for next season. They now have two scholarships to shop around to improve guard play.

Yet here’s what I’m left to wonder on a day when three names were revealed in one release: Is that it or is that the start?

(4:15 p.m. update below …)

Looks like that’s it for departures. Bob Huggins told the Charleston Daily Mail he doesn’t expect anyone else to leave.

Asked about the two open scholarships and the caliber of available talent, Huggins said, “At this point, I can’t give you an intelligent answer.” He said he won’t add players just to have 13 on scholarship and that any addition would have to fit need and style as WVU prepares for its second trip through the Big 12 Conference.

Huggins also declined to label any of the three departures as expected or a surprise.

“All I want to say is what I’ve said since they’ve been here, which is that they’re great kids, which they are. They’re great kids and I wish them all well,” he said.