The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Wait, so that wasn’t a joke?

Text from a friend this morning said, “Bridgeport blocking Wvu (sic) baseball stadium. Mon Co. Counters with parochialism claim.”

And I chuckled over my coffee because, well, come on now.

The joke is on me, though. Bridgeport is seeking a “formal resolution” to prevent the TIF district in Granville because, according to the president of the Monongalia County Commission, Bridgeport is tired of Morgantown’s growth.

I knew nothing about this before this morning, but taking in the quotes from the Commission president, it sounds not like news to Mr. Callen, but perhaps more like an explanation for the news conference Tuesday.

By the way, don’t you just love the precedent that’s been established around WVU business?