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Deniz kills the 2013 team

You saw this coming, right? There was no doubt in my mind late in the season that Deniz Kilicli was fed up with his teammates. Not all of them, but many of them and in particular the ones he was often made to share space with in a season gone wrong.

His body language was easy to translate. From reactions to interactions, and the lack thereof almost, you could see it in him. His telling postgame press conference after the loss at Oklahoma asked “When?” and not “What?”  You weren’t curious about the issue. You were curious about the moment he’d reveal it.

And after the loss in the Big 12 tournament, when the media was allowed in the locker room for the first time all season, you could pretty easily tell Deniz spoke freely and no longer with any concern about what his teammates thought — and I promise you people were struck by how light and carefree that locker room was that night.

Well, it finally happened. Kilicli unloaded on unnamed teammates, probably a few that you won’t see again, for the way attitudes conspired against WVU in Kilicli’s senior season. It’s … it’s not pretty.

A lot to process here, from identities of the perpetrators to the ones who didn’t stop this from happening — and they don’t all wear jerseys. I can’t help but think that this sort of behavior is not wholly unusual. The way it lingered is.

Plainly put, it wouldn’t have happened in 2010. If it did, there would have been a line of players ready to stop it. You can go back even longer to the days of Alex Ruoff and Joe Alexander and some memorable tales about how the Mountaineers kept one another in line. You think that 2008 team was ready to go where it went? Or do you think those guys made it happen?

Yet it seems the lasting quality of this past season’s team it that it was one with no center, with no backup. And that’s a hell of a thing on and off the floor.

Could, or should, this have happened sooner? Should it have happened at all at any point? Does this outreach overlook and/or assuage the man in the mirror?

I’d say there are no winners here, but, man, there are losers and I can’t think of anyone who’s getting hit harder than Aaric Murray with La Salle getting to the Sweet 16 while Deniz is getting salty on WOAY. Meanwhile, a fella named Chase Fieler is dunking on big-time schools and Bob Huggins is being made to look a certain way for not recruiting him and then a year later taking Murray. And now they’re all mentioned in the same paragraph.

You never saw that coming, right?