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Video blog: Day Five

Fine, fine. I’ll talk about the quarterbacks, but nothing I say trumps the lines from Keith Patterson today.

P.S. I erred about the schedule early in the video. They’ll practice Thursday and then break. And I knew that because I can’t make Thursday’s practice. I’ll try harder next time — but this is two one-take vlogs in a row. Joe DiMaggio is impressed.

Also, blocked from talking to the media Tuesday: Ford Childress, Dante Campbell, Vernon Davis, K.J. Dillon, Mark Glowinski, Tidquan Grant, Tyler Orlosky and Jordan Thompson.

This is the first opportunity we’ve had to talk to players.

Campbell is hurt, so that explains that. It’s long been WVU’s policy that if you don’t practice, you don’t talk. WVU has also previously kept true freshmen and junior college players who enroll in January off limits.

Some of the others might be blocked because they’re redshirt freshmen — and if that’s the case, that’s new.

Some, obviously, are not redshirt freshmen — but Shannon Dawson said Thursday that Thompson “played like crap” last season. Safely assume that Mr. Thompson is made to focus on becoming a good player this spring.