The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Filling in some blanks

I think we thought the three single games were givens as part of contracts. I think we can make sense of WVU’s non-conference schedule, too.

You’re now allowed 29 gamesĀ orĀ 27 plus a tournament that can’t exceed four games. WVU is going to the do the latter and play 31 games.

The Mountaineers are in the Cancun Classic Challenge that will feature two home games — or maybe one home game and one in Charleston — against a lower level opponent. That’s Tier 3 stuff right there.

Then there’s a semifinal against Old Dominion or Saint Louis and then a final/consolation game against Wisconsin or Old Dominion/Saint Louis.

So there are four games. Add the 18 Big 12 Conference games and you’re at 22 with nine spots left.

Gonzaga and Purdue are at home and Virginia Tech is at Virginia Tech. Marshall is in Charleston and Duquesne is inside the Coliseum.

We’re now down to four open slots with no confirmations, but plenty of possibilities.

Doing the math, there are 12 home games. WVU aims for at least 15 for budgetary purposes. What Huggins does with those four games — three home, one neutral? Four home? — will define what he plans to do to better manage the travel situation he again admitted Monday was mismanaged this season.