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Surprise? Big 12 blows whistle on officials

The conference acted quickly Tuesday and “tsk, tsk’d” the crew that botched the conclusion of Monday night’s national showcase between Kansas and Iowa State.

In a statement, the conference said:

The Big 12 Conference acknowledges that officiating errors were made at the end of regulation during last night’s Kansas at Iowa State men’s basketball game. The plays have been reviewed and appropriate measures will be taken by the Coordinator of Men’s Basketball Officials to adjust the number of future assignments for the two officials involved in conjunction with Conference policies.

The coordinator? Curtis Shaw. Quick Draw, indeed!

So now let’s keep an eye on the whereabouts and the behaviors of Mark Whitehead, Tom O’Neill and Bert Smith. Whitehead hasn’t had a WVU game yet. O’Neill had the WVU v. Purdue game. Smith has had four WVU games, including Saturday’s loss.

One more officiating note: Hope you didn’t miss this from Saturday’s game post.