The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Something called CD Baby is not pleased

Copyright claims on YouTube are tricky, but the above one is something else. In question is the music in the background that’s playing in the weight room below the meeting room — as though I have any control over that. And yes, I’ve disputed the claim.

Still, at issue is that the juxtaposition. It is a pain because the acoustics compromise and overwhelm the press conferences. Weights bouncing off the floor, players grunting and cheering, music blaring and everything else that happens makes for some shoddy audio, though I cannot understand why we can’t get a microphone in there. Ditto every Bob Huggins whisper conference.

But maybe this particular meeting room/weight room problem can be addressed with today’s news.

The BrickStreet Foundation, long one of WVU’s kinder donors, has gifted the university $4 million. Part of that, out of the blue, is a $1 million slice for the already commenced weight room project.

The weight room has been in Dana Holgorsen’s scope for a long time. He believed it was the worst in the Big 12.

“The weight room is used 365 days out of the year and that’s no different than practice,” he said. “The functionality of our weight room is an issue that’s high on the list. That’s got to be changed.”

They’re not moving the weight room, but I move for soundproof walls. Do it for CD Baby, if not for the rest of us.