The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Explaining exasperation is no, uh, Sweat

Well, there’s a case of not what was said — though Kevin Noreen said a lot — but how it was said. The exhales and the head nods to allow rather negative observations speak loudly underneath the actually message.

This is the environment, though, inside and around WVU basketball near the end of an uncomfortable season.

Bob Huggins added his two cents Monday on the Big 12 coaches’ teleconference, wondering if the nature of his team’s turnovers is colorblindness and offering that he couldn’t answer why his team cannot shoot, but also plainly stating, again, that the move to the new conference has been just as big a culprit.

“I think it has in a lot of ways. I think the power forwards in the Big 12 are more 3 4s and they are 4 5s, like they are in the Big East. They bounce it a lot better. I think in some instances people run a lot of offense through them, which wasn’t the case (in the Big East). And I think it’s going to take maybe a year for us to figure out the travel situation.”

Ah, the travel.

I’m working on something toward that end, but Huggins was pressed for what might come of the inevitable conversation — and things are happening to make that happen.

“I think we’ve all got some ideas. I think at the end of the year we kind of need to all put our heads together and sit down and figure out what’s the most fair and equitable thing to do.”