The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

WVU v. Texas: Tough sledding

You are looking live inside the Coliseum, that after an adventure getting here. I won’t litter Tier 4 with those thoughts, but let’s just say that of the many things I can think of that Morgantown needs right now — more salt, more trucks, maybe a police officer directing traffic on the busiest road in the area when power (read: every traffic light) is out, etc. — it would appear it needs the Weather Channel most.

This storm, which was in advisory mode since late last night, was seemingly a surprise. Yet WVU is wholly prepared.

Oh! Look at that! A plow and police. What type of palm reader did those WVU executives go to so that they might make such bold preparations? Maybe it was some of Joe DeForest’s magic.

I digress. Inside, this is not another stripe the arena occasion, but you have cards on the seats again.

Easier said than done and I have a feeling many of those signs will be untouched when this thing tips — and it will tip. No cancellation here, despite …

Great day for a bowl game.