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WVU can’t do that on television

One reason the Mountaineers have been getting slimed as much as they have this season is because they have a severe and consistent case of the I-don’t-knows. It covers everyone and everything and WVU knows now what to do about it.

“I think if you look historically at my teams, we’ve scored at an extremely high rate after timeouts. But I can’t get these guys on the right side of the floor,” Huggins said. “It’s not like they don’t know the stuff. I don’t know what the explanation is. I don’t even know what they’re doing.

“When you say, ‘Triple stack on this side of the floor,’ and you draw it up, ‘You’re here, you’re here and you’re here,’ and two guys are stacked and one guy is standing out on the wing, I don’t know what to do with that.”