The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Tier 3 FAQs

That whole thing sidetracked me today and kept me from getting a few things done that I needed to get done. That compromises the Friday Feedback, which wasn’t going to be much during a short and thin week as it was.

This Tier 3 stuff seems to have your attention, at least above the meddling basketball team and, I don’t know, football recruiting? I’ve also been warned that there’s a good amount of misinformation out there for your consumption. I’ll field and answer your Tier 3 questions in the comments, as can.

I’ll knock this one out right here because people seem concerned about it: Tony Caridi is safe. He’s a minor detail in this — no offense to him, though I’m inclined to think he gets that and would agree — and this is more about revenue, exposure, advertising and marketing than it is production and personnel.

That said, a lot of people have conveyed that IMG College is very good about working with its clients and not pushing people around and forcing its way on schools. It would seem highly unlikely IMG College ousts Caridi, who, it was suggested to me, would be welcome as long as he wants to be at WVU.

Again, minor detail, but one some have asked about today. What else can I do for you?