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WVU and I both on the move

More wheels up and down for myself and the basketball team. Those fellas arrived home around 4 a.m. and had to be in class a few hours later. They’ll practice today and tomorrow and then leave after practice for Purdue.

I’m on the way to Indianapolis, I hope, to get a look at Eron Harris’ high school … and that guy had a timely performance last night. Oh, yes, he started in place of the injured Terry Henderson, but more importantly, I just turned in a long-form feature on the Indianapolis native about his preparedness for college, thanks to Indiana high school hoops. Then, bam, 17 points and four 3-pointers. Phew.

There’s also a larger point now about making moves because Bob Huggins vowed last night to no longer rest the fortunes of this team, which has played better and sometimes quite well the past three games, on the shoulders of his bigger players, who have seen their roles wane the past three games.

In fact, he said he was “done” with it and vowed to play a small lineup moving forward. That’s what worked last night.

“We changed lineups and tried to spread them and penetrate and get shots,” Huggins said. “We played with one big. We played with the one big who tried to get a rebound.”

Something to track, but this can be traced back to the dribble-drive stuff, I think. He wanted to be a bigger, more physical team, but that doesn’t look like the best way for this collection of players to operate.

Finally, farewell for this year to Iowa and many thanks to the accommodating folks in Mount Pleasant.

I stood where Dana Holgorsen used to stand as a player for Mount Pleasant High and Iowa Wesleyan, which share a football field. Good guys like John Kuhens, Bob Jensen and Mike Hampton kind of put me in Holrogsen’s shoes growing up in the small town about three hours southeast of Ames.

As I gather, Holgorsen is one of the four most accomplished people to come out of the town of about 9,000 people. There’s a famed space scientist, the first woman to get her law degree in United States history and the current Secretary of Agriculture in Barack Obama’s cabinet. That’s some company.

But he doesn’t have a sweet display at Iowa Wesleyan. Yet.

Peggy Whitson — not from Mount Pleasant, but an IWC grad — holds the conch for now. Anyhow, I was told and I learned a lot about the football coach and where he’s from (Trivia! Iowa Wesleyan is the oldest co-ed school west of the Mississippi River.) and I’ll get to work on packaging it all.

I know these aren’t the photos you want to see. I know I teased a little yesterday when I talked on Twitter about the action shot of Dana as a high school hurdler and said I couldn’t want to share it. I meant as part of the story, not as an early goof on the guy. It’s a very good high school year book photo where he’s mid-hurdle, surprisingly close to the photographer and somehow looking right at the camera. Highlight of my day ans one that cracked me up, to be honest.

It’s coming, I promise. I’ll let you know when. For now, time to transcribe a lot of tape. See you tomorrow.