The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

WVU v. Syracuse: Snow big deal

You are looking liven at Yankee Stadium, site of today’s snowy Pinstripe Bowl. That picture was taken right around noon when the snow was just starting to fall.

The one below was taken about twenty minutes later, which is about a half an hour ago.

I just took the below picture at 12:50.

You get the idea, yes? Could things be better for the people covering it? Certainly, but I’ve been conditioned through the years to understand this isn’t about us.

I’m seated in the open-air press box and I have a great view and a pretty nice panorama look at the stadium and the back drop. It’s snowing and I’m covering a football game in December. This game has and will acquire detractors, but this is pretty cool and it’s probably going to make for a good environment, a good game and good television.

Let’s light this candle …