The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

… and I’m out

Must take my remaining vacation days this week since I’m on the ground in Brooklyn, the Bronx and Manhattan first thing next Wednesday morning. I’ve already prepped Chuck McGill on forthcoming news — and there should be some, though it looks like WVU’s kinda-sorta worrisome grade situation will be OK, likely with one exception.

There are two basketball games happening in my absence and, as we’e discussed the past few days, there’s plenty to keep an eye on tonight.

“Right now the dribble drive and kick-out is our best weapon,” Harris said. “We’ve got guys who can shoot it and we’ve got a guard who can drive it. I don’t know if our post game is there yet, but we’ve got a lot of time to work on it.

“At this point, I really can’t even say what’s our best weapon (because) we’ve got so much to work on, but we can always have two guys on the floor who can shoot and that can be a good weapon for us with the point guard we have.”

I’ve got your games covered tonight and Saturday and the duty again rests in the reliable hands of Michael Carvelli. I’ll open up a live post for tonight’s game, if that’s OK with you, and I’ll do the same for Saturday. I want everyone to check on on lcj Saturday, though.

Meantime, to keep things festive, here’s a picture of my dog in front of our Christmas tree.