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On WVU’s weird basketball schedule

Tomorrow is WVU’s 10th game … and third home game. That’s the latest the third home game has been played since the 1997 and 1993 seasons. In the Coliseum era, only once in the 1988 season was the third game played later — Dec. 21.

This season started earlier than all three and this season has more games played before the third home game. So that’s unusual and the inconsistent tine between games only further hampers things. Yet WVU plays its next four games at home and with no class on campus. In fact, the 4-5 Mountaineers, off to their worst start since the 1999 season, play six times before the spring semester begins.

If this is a team in need of some help, this little stretch can help. Yet that’s up to the Mountaineers, who thus far haven’t inspired much of such faith.

“Since I’ve been here, we have had guys that were very committed to what we’re doing,” he said. “Joe Alexander worked as hard as anybody. I told you guys all along I was very impressed and very grateful to Darris Nichols and Jamie Smalligan and those guys who bought in – I mean, they bought in from Day One and were committed to doing what I wanted them to do.

“Then we lose Joe and we lose Darris and Jamie and Da’Sean stepped up. Wellington Smith got a whole lot better. They were in the gym. They weren’t hanging out on High Street. They weren’t hanging out at some girl’s house. They were in the gym committed to what we’re doing.”