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Mountaineers back at work

I was in the neighborhood of the Coliseum around 1 p.m. today and decided to get there really early for the 1:30 interviews. Deniz Kilicli, as you can see, had the same idea. He was working out more than an hour before practice started and it was just him and a manager for most of that time.

Eventually more and later all of his teammates would be on the floor before practice, and people are making a big deal out of this because of what Coach Bob Huggins has said after the past two games. That’s fine, I suppose, and surely you want to hear something like that, but, man, this used to be a very ordinary thing.

And it still might be. I had someone tell me afterward that the scene wasn’t a real big deal, that guys are out on the floor a lot before practice and this wasn’t what Huggins was upset about — it’s not doing it every day, or not showing up on an off day that gets him.

It should be noted, too, that we in the media usually do our interviews at the practice facility in a media room far from the floor, which means we can’t see if there are people doing the same things we saw today. Certainly, though, no one shows up when the horn blows and practice starts.

Finally, Aaric Murray was there today and Bob Huggins said Murray’s attitude was better, that he was  really good Sunday and then all right yesterday. I mentioned on Twitter before that Keaton Miles was listed as a starter, which, who knows, could be some sort of indication about the direction Huggins might head as he decides if his team is better bigger or smaller.

Bryan Messerly, the team’s SID, told me he uses the starting lineup from the last game as the projected starting lineup for the next game.