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Great Americans …

An unbiased congratulations to Tavon Austin and Stedman Bailey for being named to the Associated Press All-America teams today. Tavon made the first team as an all-purpose player and Stedman made the second team as a receiver.

I think that’s fair, though I think you know I feel about Stedman. What I can’t decide is my favorite Tavon moment this season. Care to help?

I still think this is sneaky amazing. Dude ran 70 yards on a reverse, stayed in the game, caught a pass and fought for yards, stayed in the game and caught a touhdown pass. The whole thing took 52 seconds. That was quite a trend-setter for the season.

This was just clutch. It’s what a special player does. Not a special teams player or even a special special teams player. Just a special player. Should have won the game, too.

Now this was just fun. There were plenty of highlight plays this season, and not just from Tavon, but this is perhaps the most exceptional one of them all. You just don’t see this sort of thing work at this level of football.

… this is my pick. Hope the poor guy gets a chance to celebrate his All-America honor with better luck.