The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Almost forgot about this

The Charleston Newspapers are going behind a pay wall at the beginning of next year. We’re probably going to have different opinions on the purpose and the usefulness of this, but haven’t we always bickered and begged to differ from time to time for as long as we’ve been here?

As for the way things have been and will be here, this blog will remain free, though the Daily Mail articles I link to will be behind the wall. I knew this day was coming a while back and that’s why I tried to do some new stuff over the summer and then through the football season. The articles, I like to think, drive the coverage, but I’d like to think there are plenty of reasons for you to stick around here once we do move to the deluxe apartment in the sky.

And believe me, I realize as much as anyone else that there’s a big difference between what we’re giving away for free and what will be premium content now. I’ll still try to make the free stuff as good as I can.

Hope that answers that oft asked question. If you have others, this should handle all of that.