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Can Matt Humphrey spice things up for WVU?

The Old Spice Classic begins here shortly and it’s a nice opener for the holiday weekend. WVU has no business losing to Marist, unless the Mountaineers just aren’t good, so you should be able to enjoy this one. Allow @FakeBobHuggins to help, if you want.

I might also keep an eye on Matt Humphrey. Face it, WVU’s backcourt was a little young, weak and timid at times last season. Humphrey is a veteran, “kind of washed up,” in his own words, but he brings a little zest that the team lacked in the backcourt before.

He vows that the Mountaineers won’t be getting bullied anymore. Real Bob Huggins believes  Humphrey can do a bunch of the things he believes his players, at this moment, don’t quite grasp.

“If I do what I’m supposed to do, regardless whether it works to our phenomenal favor or not, we’ll still be all right, I think,” he said. “I’m just one of those guys who’s going to be all right.”

The Mountaineers need that, especially in the backcourt. Humphrey watched games last year and saw WVU lose to Gonzaga in the NCAA Tournament. Once he got the call from the Mountaineers after he was released from his scholarship at Boston College, he remembered the roster and how so many freshmen had so many learning experiences.

“I remember how I was when I was a freshman, so I can imagine how they were feeling, and I had a much bigger role than most of those guys did my freshman year,” Humphrey said. “I can definitely understand the frustrations I had. That’s a lot of the reason I think I’m here.”