The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Dana says WVU still motivated, no thanks to speakers

The losing streak is so long that Bo Orlando, just inducted into the WVU Sports Hall of Fame, was a sophomore the last time the Mountaineers lost five straight.

The losses have varied from close ones to blowouts. They’ve been both brutal and boring.

Even when a team is doing things well — and the Mountaineers have been better the past two games, maybe three — there is a danger that the same team will look past it and won’t focus on the good as things go bad.

Especially late in the season.

Dana Holgorsen was asked about that and said we need not worry. He admitted the Mountaineers have plenty of problems, but effort and want to are not among them.

“I don’t see that,” Holgorsen said. “Yeah, there’s a worry to that, but we’re still playing for a lot. We’ve got 22 guys who’ve got 12 days left in their college career unless we win one or two and extend this to a bowl game. A bowl game is a reward. You get to a level where a bowl game is much more than a reward, but we’re not at that stage right now. We’re at the stage where we’re playing for the betterment of our program.”.