The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

‘Come on, man’

Trying times lead to difficult questions and sometimes illuminating answers. We got a bunch of it all Saturday evening in Stillwater, Okla., after WVU’s fourth straight loss — and one that pushed the point differential in those games to 98 points … despite a one-point double-overtime loss.

Clearly, the Mountaineers are not happy and a few of them are not afraid to explain why.

“Sometimes I look at the game from the sideline and see things happen and question it, like, “Come on, man,'” Bailey said. “That’s what makes me question effort sometimes.

“Sometimes our demeanor, when I look from the sideline, sometimes I see things and it’s just crazy. Some of the plays that have been happening this year have been unbelievable.”