The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

One in, one out

Travares Copeland, who started telling Twitter last night about family problems and a situation back home, has left the team. A brief press release announced the move and said it was for personal reasons — actually, it confirmed the news. Copeland revealed “The Rebirth of Travares Copeland” on Twitter this morning, which … well, it makes you wonder.

In more inspiring news, Shawne Alston is back, though admittedly not back to normal…

He revealed all of the details we kind of knew and could only hint about before, namely those special procedures we kept whispering about were procedures to drain blood from his deep, deep thigh bruise. Then there was calcification and another specialist and the poor guy had a hard time just getting up and down stairs.

Alston says he’s 65 or 70 percent of what he was against Marshall, but really isn’t limited in the Shawne Alston sense.