The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

You’ll Never Talk Alone, Episode 8

Live again for a special edition at 11 a.m. The chat is open now, so you may get your questions in early or in the inexcusable event you can’t make it. Here’s the traditional link to the chat and here’s your mobile link.

Meantime, there are times I really wish I had another job so I could do things that might cost me my job.

Saturday night and Sunday and even in these past few days that have followed, I got the inordinate amount of sad and angry and devastated and furious phone calls and emails and conversations about the team and its state of being and everyone and everything to blame. The heaviest snow fell Sunday and Monday, when I assume people were calmer and at work, where they had email access and had to conduct themselves appropriately.

I kept getting that Mike Valenti vibe and I had talks with friends of mine about it and how the situations parallel.The thought occurred to me to — never mind.

Well, the next time you see ClarenceOveur, whether here or on Twitter or in person, congratulate him on this masterpiece.