The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Battle for John Denver’s guitar just got real

If the beatdown Saturday didn’t ignite the thing, than this ought to be the can full of gas and handful of matches.

Texas Tech safety Cody Davis first hinted after the game WVU had it coming.

“It was huge,” said linebacker Cody Davis, who had 13 solo tackles. “They come in really cocky, just kind of on the high road, so to get up on them fast is big in games like this. You kind of show them we’re serious and get a jump on them and get the momentum on our side of the stadium.”

Apparently that wasn’t enough. He circled back on his personal blog Monday and, like he did 13 times all by himself Saturday, brought the wood.

West Virginia came in a little over confident.  I usually don’t say anything bad about opponents, but this was by FAR the cockiest and arrogant team I have ever seen on film and in person.  I have played a lot of football too, so I think that says something.  I might be wrong, but that’s how I saw it.  From Eugene Smith not shaking hands at the coin toss and waving us off to Tavon Austin doing his strut after every single catch he made, they were all about Me, Myself, and I… but the best TEAM won the game.

Uh oh …

From Thursday’s chat:


Not sure we’re at the 2004 level and I think this is just the way WVU operates. In fact, I just thought that. What backfired, or was at least used against the Mountaineers Saturday, worked a week before.

And this isn’t merely how they behaved last week or how they’ve carried themselves the past two weeks. This is how they announced themselves at the Big 12 Conference media day in July … and people noticed, I assure you.

Nor is this some new thing this team has developed or the first time a team has taken offense to the loquacious Mountaineers.

“West Virginia has a lot of mouth,” said Kobena, who learned that the Mountaineers’ verbose apples don’t fall far from their yapping tree. “A lot of mouth. We were running around out there before the game and they were talking. And I finally told one of them, ‘Hey, if you win the game by talking, you guys would be undefeated.’ You’ve got to prove it on the field. And that’s what we did. We proved it on the field.”

Trash talk before or during games doesn’t win or lose the thing and what happens after, as you can tell, is entertaining. Yapping serves as a characteristic of a team, but when you’re targeted like WVU is, and like WVU so often says it is, it also gives the opponent ammunition. The Mountaineers can be who they are — and they will — but they better learn to dodge bullets, too.