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Joey Madsen for Heisman!

For some reason, one of my favorite parts of this season is getting the email Sunday that declares the weekly award winners for offense, defense, special teams and the scout teams. So far we’ve discovered Maurice Zereoue is on the roster and that K.J. Dillon was in the hospital that Sunday before he won the special teams award.

We’ve also seen Geno Smith, as well as Tavon Austin and Stedman Bailey, consistently post ridiculous numbers, yet not consistently win the award — and Dana Holgorsen has pretty much explained it by saying that he could give it to one of those three every week, but that wouldn’t be fair to all the others, like an Andrew Buie or Shawne Alston.

So Sunday, a little more than 24 hours after that 70-63 thing happened, Dana pegged Joey Madsen as the offensive player of the week and said a day later it was probably Madsen’s best game yet when the coach was asked to explain his pick — and that’s the best part of this. It’s a running storyline that people around the country are tracking and it seems like Dana is obliging by messing with us. Dana further explained things Tuesday by saying while Geno is Geno, someone has to snap the ball to Geno.

No, that really happened.

But Madsen was good he pretty much handled Baylor’s nose guard on his own, which let the guards do other things to help in the run and pass game. Oh the whole, Madsen’s been as good as advertised this season, in equally important roles both on the field and on the sideline, which makes you wonder how far he can go with this.