The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

I know you saw, but did you see?

Surely by now you caught the Grantland piece Michael Weinreb wrote about Dana Holgorsen. Good stuff about a story you know, but it was delivered from a slightly askew angle — ” … his mullet spiked into a Noltean panorama of peaks and valleys, as if it had spent the afternoon waging war with a family of vengeful squirrels while the gray matter beneath it processed the subtleties of the Air Raid offense.”


Within the story, you’ll find a variety of diversions in the form of footnotes and links to stories and video clips. There’s also a link to my book.

Right here.

Study it. Check the cover. There’s a white dot, sort of a bizzaro USA Today thing, that screams WITH NEW EPILOGUE.

The second version is out now and available for just a little bit more, but that’s with reason. The old epilogue was restructured to become another chapter. It is called “Seventy” and I’ll let you guess what that covers. The new epilogue brings us into the new future, since we previously left off at the beginning of the offseason.

The offseason was eventful, both tragic and exciting, and it deserved to serve as the fresh coat of paint on this old house.

All in all, a few dozen additional pages. I went back and colored in some earlier chapters, and got a major assist from Paul Rhoads, and made sure to do more with the 2011 season, with Dana getting a little reflective about exactly what happened and how it came to be.

There’s also new content, including more detail than previously delivered about the move to the Big 12 Conference. Oliver Luck was kind enough to tell me things he’d never told anyone before and Chuck Neinas threw in, as well. Some questions were left unanswered, or unasked, before and some things were not mentioned or not fully explained. I think we fixed that this time.

Carry on …