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Geno Smith scary good

It’s been since the halcyon days of Pat White beside Steve Slaton that West Virginia’s offensive reputation has sent people reaching for their thesauruses .. thesauri? … most revealing adjectives. We’re mingling with this new audience now and there is no once-slain conference rival who remembers No. 5 and No. 10 and gets a shiver up their spine.

Yet these Big 12 folks are no less impressed by what’s happening now, which is fun to witness. Kansas Coach Charlie Weis, seemingly one of the smartest men in the room no matter what room he’s in, went with an easier choice or words Monday.

“What Geno Smith did the other day, when you look at the numbers, you say, ‘How can that possibly happen? How can a guy sit there with those types of numbers against a very good competitor?’ ” Kansas Coach Charlie Weis said. “It’s kind of scary.”

Do you know who’s not as impressed? Gen Smith.