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Maryland quotes come out of their shells

I have no idea why it happens, because I can’t remember writing a story about something like this apart from the uniquely different experience at LSU, but it seems like every visiting team is asked about playing in Mountaineer Field, whether it’s their first or third trip to the stadium, whether it’s their media or the WVU media asking the question.

I mean, it’s a tough enough place to play, but I think even ardent supporters admit support can slack and the head coach even ripped the fans last year. But I suppose this is going to continue with all these Big 12 teams about to make their first ventures.

Well, Randy Edsall, who has been to WVU a lot as a player and head coach will now be part of a third team to travel to Milan Puskar Stadium when he leads Maryland in Saturday’s noon game. He, too, was asked to talk about the environment.

“I know the last time I was playing at West Virginia – my hat goes off to them in terms of we went there after the situation with Jasper Howard, and they couldn’t have been more classier and outstanding fans that particular day. They have such tremendous passion for their team, we just have to try and prepare our guys for that and understand they have to stay focused and block all that stuff out. [We] just need to remember that the only thing that is really important it what is going on in between those white lines.”

Why, what a nice thing to say. I remember that day. It really was a classy exhibition by everyone involved, though it was a fleeting moment that ended when Tavon brought back the opening kickoff for a touchdown. That got the fans going.

And, what fans they have here.

Tight end Matt Furstenburg had children give him the middle finger. Linebacker Demetrius Hartsfield got the same single-digit treatment, and remembers fans dressing up as former Maryland Coach Ralph Friedgen in mockery. Walking out of the tunnel, defensive lineman A.J. Francis got spit on by an elderly woman he estimates to be 80 years old.

At least there was a follow-through for perspective.

When Maryland last played at Mountaineer Field, the Terps had three delay of game penalties and one false start on their opening drive, because center Paul Pinegar couldn’t hear quarterback Jamarr Robinson say, “Hike.” Perry Hills, inconsistent through his first three collegiate starts yet praised throughout the team for his resilience, will get thrown into the fire in an atmosphere he’s never seen.

I remember that, too, and the preceding anecdotes show the affect a rowdy crowd can have — though I believe that’s all overrated. Anyhow, nice bit of storytelling there and here, thanks to quotable tight end Matt Furstenburg.

“You go in there and no one likes you. Even the little kids don’t  like you. I’ve seen little kids curse at you.”

Hey, hostile place. I get it and I sense the tongue was in the cheek there.

But here? I don’t know.

“I can still remember going to old Mountaineer Field when it was right in the middle of campus when I was a quarterback at Syracuse. We’d go and they pelted us with oranges and we walked on the field pre-game and they had dogs out their catching Frisbees and tobacco-spitting contests. You know when you go play West Virginia you better strap it up because it’s going to be a physical, 60-minute game. Especially when you go there, you know that their fans are going to be against you.”