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Why, yes, a Dustin Garrison post

This one comes with a twist. There is nothing new about 2011’s leading rusher and Dana Holgorsen preached patience once more Monday. Then again, there was a slight angle to it all and Holgorsen said there may come a point where WVU will use Garrison if it needs Garrison. “If not,” Holgorsen said, “we won’t.”

Figure the offensive line’s performance and the way it foisted Shawne Alston and Andrew Buie upon Marshall has something to do with this, right? Wrong!

Give the line some credit, though. Garrison has a powerful and inspiring confidant in his return to form — angry left guard Josh Jenkins. He’s been through three knee surgeries and three rehabilitations . Jenkins, now a fifth-year senior, said if Garrison recuperates patiently and prudently, he can come back and be better. Jenkins would know.

“I never wanted to be a backup. I never wanted to be the guy you saw at the end of the bench,” Jenkins said. “I’m not saying they don’t contribute because everyone contributes in their own way, but to me, if I was going to come back, I wanted to get my position back. That mentality made a big difference for me, even during the rehab.

“Eventually there was no one thing in my mind that said, ‘Your time is up. Someone is going to take your position from you.’ I believed it was my time to come back, work hard, battle guys and come out and physically dominate.”