The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Oliver Luck: Proprietor of WVU’s freakonomics

Say what you will of the attention and/or notoriety that comes with these No. 1 party school rankings and how those align to conspire against some of the other accolades WVU and Morgantown receive.

There need to be equal and opposite reactions to some things, and sometimes you have to reverse a spin.

That, as we know, is pretty much the method to the perceived madness that is beer sales at Mountaineer Field. Sell it in a controlled environment and you’re better able to control the behavior. That which defines you can defeat you unless you can define it yourself.

And this is what Athletic Director Oliver Luck was selling on, ahem, National Public Radio Tuesday. Once “counterintuitive” — OK, it’s still counterintuitive — the policy is nevertheless gaining acceptance. There is now some data to support the practice and the practice, believe it or not, has company.