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The quintessential press conference moment

Alternate title: Why I love my job

I’ve only watched this 10 or so times now and it cracks me up differently every time.

1) You can tell he wanted to share this story at some point — and I assure you Bob Hertzel  was not planted in the press conference to ask this question. Ask me about big hits … big hits.

2) Dana was “really, really excited” this happened on his watch. He even showed emotion!

3) There was a conversation, at some point, with some audience, in which the merits of the hits were debated. Oh, to be a fly on that wall.

4) The verdict from that conversation was that Buie’s was “slightly” better. Slightly feels like a concession, or the result of intense negotiations. Fine, fine. Buie’s was better,  but only slightly.

5) The showmanship was exquisite. He lets the story tell the story. Dana says that “it was the same defender” and just looks around and waits for that to sink in with the audience. It does and he just sort of waits, like a stand-up comic. I was about to order a drink and hope it was a two-drink minimum.

6) “That sucks, man.”

7) No. 6 is now a part of my parlance

8) I won’t be convinced that Dana hasn’t already told this story a dozen times. The routine was perfect.

9) He basically drops the mic and walks off stage. And good for him. There was no topping that.

10) We get a dozen more of these pressers. I feel like we’re seeing Dana mature and evolve behind the podium like we’re seeing Geno mature and evolve under center.

Also, let’s chime on on our own here. It’s Buie v. Dillon: Who ya got?

