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What they’re not saying about Garrison

Scrapped title: “The statute of the three wise monkeys.” You’ll see why.

Dustin Garrison’s status and well-being remain a top topic at WVU it looks like he’ll have no part in Saturday’s game. No one’s said that, so that’s me saying that, but I’m not sure why Garrison would play this week, especially with WVU off next week.

Shawne Alston and Andrew Buie are settled in and clearly far ahead now. D’Vontis Arnold seems good to go for a few reps if need be. Ryan Clarke has a role, too. The top two play the most and the third fills in if its required. If Clarke is a fourth, or 3A to Arnold’s 3B, then Garrison is after that.

Whatever the order, there just aren’t many carries after the top two, especially when divided among multiple players. Forget where Garrison fits and instead wonder why. Rest, or at least the opportunity to further rehabilitate, is a nice commodity and time is a luxury college football does not always afford.

Listening to Garrison’s teammates and coaches discuss it Tuesday night didn’t add much, unless you listened or watched closely.

Running backs coach Robert Gillespie seems very ready and it should be clear below how many guys he has and who he thinks they are. This is pretty informative stuff, given the situation. We like that.

Shannon Dawson was also asked, what with him being the coordinator of the offense that may be without last year’s leading rusher. Like Gillespie, he had a number of “sufficient” players in mind and added that “it’s not a worry.”

Well, what’s not a worry?

Certainly the topic has been discussed among coaches, but are they to the point that they’ve figured out the number of players and who they are? And if so, and Garrison is gingerly toeing a line, doesn’t that hint that he’s not in those conversations?

Both coaches also talk about future stuff and how it’s not related to the present, which is logical because they can only focus on one at the moment. Neither actually says what the present, which is Saturday’s game, will be. Might that indicate the decision has been made, but has not been divulged?

Check Dawson’s non-verbal at the start of the clip, which advice I was given by a gifted reader last night. Interesting?

The statue of the Three Wise Monkeys accurately depicts the primary hand-to-face gestures associated with deceit. When a person is doubtful or lying, they’ll often use their fingers to block their mouth as if they were filtering their words. This hand- to-mouth gesture is commonly referred to as “speak no evil.”