The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Rakeem Cato again has everyone’s attention

At this very same time last season, Marshall named the true freshman its starting quarterback for the season opening game against West Virginia and at Mountaineer Field. Tricky spot, to be sure, though Cato seemed least worried of all.

“That’s not a problem for me,” said the 19-year-old true freshman, who Tuesday was officially declared as Marshall’s starting quarterback for the season opener at No. 24 West Virginia.

“I don’t care how many people are there — 60,000 … a million … a billion. I don’t care. I feed off the fans.”

You know who cared? The 60,758 in the stands that day who were offended by such confidence and who tried to loudly introduce themselves throughout the game.

He played OK — 15 for 21, 115 yards, no touchdowns, but no interceptions — and, I thought, was bothered by the weather and the delays and how they kept him from getting acclimated after halftime, when he went to the locker room down just 20-10. Truth is, inside his head was a storm just as rowdy as the one that disrupted the game and it hit on the first third down of the game.

“My head was going crazy,” he said. “Running out there on the field, and that first drive … everybody’s out there. It’s a big crowd. It all hit on third down when the bells went off and it got really loud. Everybody stood up and got loud. It kind of hit me there.”

I admire the kid’s openness, especially as he readies for a return in Saturday’s noon game. WVU admires Cato, too, especially for the way he improved throughout the season and both lost and regained his starting job and won a bowl game. The numbers that day, at the opposite end of the experience that began at WVU? How about 27 for 39 (!) for 226 yards, two touchdowns to Aaron Dobson and one interception?

The totality led to some kind words from Dana Holgorsen Monday … and then this, which I can’t explain and which I can’t wait to ask Dana to explain.

“I guess the question is, ‘Which offense are they going to run?'” Holgorsen said. “There’s been some speculation on that. Hopefully he’s learning a second offense in as many years.”

(Update, 9:47 am: I just remembered Marshall had a special visitor in April.)