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On Ivan McCartney and his whereabouts

Twitter did what Twitter does yesterday and didn’t as much exacerbate a situation as it did fabricate a situation. By mid-afternoon, Ivan McCartney had walked out on the team and was transferring to Miami and why the heck wasn’t anyone reporting it?

Well, because there was  problem: McCartney was at practice Wednesday.

It’s been a wavy road for McCartney so far, but I’m not prepared to call it bumpy. All we know, which is to say all I care to concern myself with in what I write, is that he was an academic question mark and then he wasn’t and then he was injured and then he wasn’t. That’s not a straight road, but it’s navigable. It happens every, but it becomes distinguishable when someone handles it commendably or horribly.

Now, has he handled everything superbly? I can concern myself with that in what I think because I’d be naive not to. I’d have to think someone as talented and, yes, accomplished as him probably wasn’t too happy with that depth chart that came out Monday, which was probably reflected in how practice before and/or after and may have triggered a response, either outwardly or internally.

But … but … he was at practice Wednesday and, by all accounts, gave a pretty good effort and was back with the second team by the end of the day. Really, what happens next, whether there was a boot to the backside and where that boot sends him, is the story.