The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Might possibly see more of this guy soon

Mr. Gerun is apparently either in town or en route and simply waiting for the call, but WVU has indeed actively recruited the 6 foot, 9 inch outside-in power forward from the Ukraine — which is not weak. Ask Gerun contemporary Alex Len.

If admitted, or, I suppose, if he follows through on an apparent intention to enroll and play beginning this upcoming season, Gerun would be the 13th and final WVU player on scholarship, I’d say adequately filling the Pat Forsythe vacancy.

High skill level, I hear, and cut from the Euro mold. What I sense, and what I figure WVU likes, is that the big fella seems to impose himself on the opposition. He’s bigger and smoother and knows it and reminds the other team of it. Nice quality that can be hard to transition to the American game.

Also, to my knowledge, Bob Huggins has never brought in one of these European players. Canadians, Africans, South Americans, Western Asians, yes. European? I can’t find one. First time for everything?