The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Dustin Garrison speaks with his mouth

Specifically, that smile highlights a facial expression that must be reassuring for people who were, at the very least, suspicious about how fast and how well he’d return from ACL surgery.The kid seems relieved, doesn’t he?

And aren’t you, just a little?

I know, I know. It’s a seven-month ordeal now and he was cleared for running and cutting a few weeks back and he was enthusiastically permitted to practice when camp started.

There’s just something about ACLs that take longer than seven months, even if the recuperation is going as swimmingly as Garrison’s. There are mental obstacles and trust issues and even in the NFL it seems like it’s a full year before a player is his old self. He’s better, but not exonerated. He’s not yet comfortable with sudden stops. He has to wear a brace, and guys who’ve never worn a brace hate wearing that brace. He’s icing both knees because the right leg is being affected by how he’s compensating for his healing left knee.

Little things and still a long way to go, but maybe that’s nothing considering how far he’s come.