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Dana Holgorsen up at 11 EST

Yesterday the five Big 12 coaches who spoke at media day wore suits. I bumped into Dana Holgorsen this morning on an escalator and he was wearing the black polo and khaki slacks. He was also drinking a tall coffee, which perhaps explains the exuberance with which he worked the room for the next 30 minutes.

He was all over the place, talking and laughing and shaking hands and obviously enjoying himself. When we had a moment, we talked about that particular aspect, that a coach seemed to be having fun when others might not be as invested in such a gathering.

“No offense,” he said, “but usually it’s not fun when it’s a media thing.”

Oh, no offense at all, said the media. Actually, I understood. What that meant was it’s often hurrying from here to there and answering cliche or repetitive questions and generally just enduring the day. But what Holgorsen pointed out was that the atmosphere was crafted with the cheerleaders and mascots to lighten the mood — the very thing I thought yesterday.

Just a warm and welcoming dynamic. “It’s more festive,”  Holgorsen said.

I figure he, too, will be festive when he talks to the media here shortly. Follow along @mikecasazza.

Note: The polo/khakis was for a PSA the Big 12 coaches are filming. It’s mandatory. Suits are not. And Dana ended up changing his look before he spoke to the media.

The tweets …


And Dana signs off with “See ya, guys.” Business-like performance. I blame the suit.

More WVU v. Big 12 dynamics. No need to explain: “Everyone in the Big 12 fills their stadium up becuse it’s important to the fan base.”
Would rather “fill a team with a bunch of high school players and watch them mature over four or five years.”
Dana’s take on Penn State players (and he’s not a transfer guy). “You take transfers if you need immediate help.”
Dana brought the fire extinguisher today. On familiarity edge over B12: “They’ll probably know as much about us as we will about them.”
Dana on recruitng Texas: “Recruit players who become very good senior football players.” Read: Not beating Texas, A&M, Okla for first cut.
Interesting. Dana lauds Oliver Luck because “he understands college football and understands geography” and the AD wanted to recruit in TX.
It seems Dana is stepping on the hype as the questions mount. “Tavon is potentially one of the more dynamic guys I’ve been around.”
By the way, I asked Dana once about something I thought I picked up on during spring fb. He kindly declined to discuss it with much detail.
Dana on offense and possible new stuff for B12. “Yeah, we’ll probably put something new out there. I’m not going to tell you what it is.” 

Right away, a question about travel. “It’s going to be an airplane ride. You jump on an airplane and a few hours later you’re there.”

Dana on telling WVU about Big 12 and vice versa: “What exists in the Big 12 also exists in Morgantown.”
BREAKING: Holgorsen has changed into a suit.