The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

F Double takes a break

Sorry, but can’t knock out the Friday Feedback today. Last vacancy before we get into a more consistent string, but today I’ve got a few things going and need an early start for the first leg.

Tamarack! If you’re traveling south, or know someone who is, swing by the landmark and head to the books. I’ll be signing and selling their copies of my book. I suppose if you want, I could sign a copy of any other book you’d like. I won’t lie, either: This is one of those places I really wanted to sell Waiting for the Fall, so to do that and have a chance to be there to sign some is neat to see.

Tonight, it’s McBee’s Irish Pub & Restaurant.

More honesty: This is one place — a place I’ve never been to — that was recommended again and again when I started putting together this little tour. So, again, pretty happy to do this. Apparently it’s big and always has a good crowd and I’ll have plenty of books for, I hear, plenty of people..

Finally, tomorrow is the Friends of Coal Auto Fair. Remember the Miners has a booth and has invited me over for a few hours in the morning. More books, but with a twist. They’ll be available for the regular $15 price, but also for $20 where the extra money goes to the Miners charity. And, once again, this one means something to me. Already we’ve raised a few hundred dollars for the charity, so I hope we can do some more for a really, really good cause.

Hope to see you there. If not, stay tuned … some more authorial news on the horizon. Before that, though, I’m on the scene in Dallas Sunday for Big 12 media days Monday and Tuesday.

Enjoy the weekend!