The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

‘That could be kinda fun’ … Oh, indeed

Oh, what to do with those gray walls now that they’ll no longer be gray? The possibilities are endless …

Brandon said:

I think you could do something pretty cool just with large vinyl prints (similar to what you see on field level at BCS games). Mix that in with the standard ‘rah-rah’ text (Mountaineer Pride, Play Fast, etc.) and it could be cool and interchangeable every year. Say a mix of classic images & current stuff. I’d nominate:

Maj in the end zone after “The Play” in 1988 vs PSU
Quincy trucking Merryweather
Slaton diving in end zone vs. UL in 2005
And mix in images of current guys now.

That could be kinda fun – any other ideas for classic images?

Awesome. I’m positive the people have some ideas, but, sadly, that will not be the outcome — and more on that tomorrow. For now, why not have some fun and, at least in our minds, apply a little peer pressure?

I’ve got one image that won’t make the cut …

Remember that? And remember the “caption this” contest that The Crystal Ball Run had and that I promised my commentors would win?

Well, thank you very much, Josh24601. Winner!

“That’s not a gun.” [opens fly] “THIS is a gun!”

Kiss the cup! Congrats! I’m so proud.